With iOS 4, GPSTrack can record your location in the background, so you can continue to use your iPhone for other tasks while your location is recorded.
When recording a track, GPSTrack can show a map with your path, updated in real-time.
Saved tracks can be exported via e-mail in GPX and KML formats, useful if you want to geotag photos from a camera that doesn’t have GPS support.
GPSTrack works with the iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPad WiFi + 3G, iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G and iPad Wi-Fi + 4G, and requires iOS 4.0 or later. Background tracking does not work with the iPhone 3G.

Current Location:
* Long-tapping on the current coordinates allows you to copy to the clipboard
* Start the map view sightly more zoomed out.
* Add button to toggle autoscale.
Tracks List:
* Add confirmation alert on track delete
Track Detail:
* Button to make track fill the screen
* Set nav title to name of track
* Move all settings into the application
* Add default email address for track export
Bug Fixes:
* Map could show in the middle of the ocean when tracking if the first gps location had not been logged yet.
* Map: Don’t update the track when not actually tracking.
* Map: Was adding the pin points when it shouldn’t have been (when the track did not have start/end locations)
* Pause button could sometimes disappear.